Time to do a Courage Review?!

As we reach the end of 2023 how about doing a courage review?

In 2023,

  • What did you create with courage?

  • What took courage to deal with?

  • How much of your success (individually or collectively) can you contribute to courage?

  • What courageous conversations did you have?

  • How did you use courage to help you make decisions? 

  • How did you role model courage?

And as we head into 2024,

  • What do you want to create with courage?

  • What do you want to deal with that will take courage?

  • What more could you achieve (individually or collectively) if you moved with more courage?

  • What courageous conversations do you want to have?

  • How can you use courage to help you make decisions? 

  • Why should you role model courage?

This review, as a team, as an individual, as a family, will help you get closer to the version of you that makes you proud. 

And, if you want to spend some time building your courage muscle, here are the ways I can help you:

  • Right now - You can now buy the online program (Move Beyond Fear) now in my shop here 

  • Your team - Run a workshop or program in 2024 for your team to increase your attention and accountability to high performance by building your courage muscle - find yourselves having courageous conversations, making courageous decisions, taking courageous action and feeling contagious confidence! Book here now

  • You - work with me one on one to make sure you are heading to the best sustainable performance possible Download the brochure for one on one coaching by clicking the picture of the brochure  or download button below. 

How we can Work Together on Sustainable High Performance

  1. High Performance Collective Leadership programs for your team

  2. Psychological safety for leaders in high risk industries

  3. Executive 1:1 program

  4. Keynotes

If you want programs that go 'a little deeper'

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