Courage Is A Game - Let’s Play Together!

There may be many areas of your life or just one, which you know if you had a little bit more courage, you would be a little bit happier or a little bit more productive, or that you would achieve more, enjoy more, connect more ….be more! There are simple things that I can show you and you can practice here that make an enormous difference in bringing you closer to your potential ….and it starts here at The Courage Club …with a little commitment of 30 days. You give me 30 days, I’ll teach you how to be more courageous.

Click the button below to join us for our next courage sprint or send us an email: or

Investment: $499



I know how to help you get more of what you want. I know how much fear gets in your way and what to do about it.


You! We are all working on something. All of us are learning to be more courageous in one of the key areas of life. What would you do if you had a little more courage in your workplace, in your career, in your conversations, in your relationships, with your health or wealth? Would you say more, speak up, show more of who you are, take more risks, create more opportunities? Would you be less defensive, more open, make deeper connections or develop more trust?

Join us, learn how to move forward in a short space of time, JUST 30 DAYS is all we need to kickstart your courage and set you on a path that will mean you get more out of life. Let me help you be the best you can be. Give this opportunity to yourself to learn how to manage your emotions and play a bigger game.

The testimonials from previous players is phenomenal. You cannot imagine the changes people have managed to make to enable them to maximise their lives and opportunities. I want that to be you too.

Right now, we all need courage to face into our complicated worlds a little bit stronger, a little more sure of who we are and what we are capable of.


You will be part of the next sprint. Places are limited as we only run them two times across the year publically. The rest of the time we are busy running the program for work and organisation teams. If you miss the start of this one, you’ll have to wait for our next intake!

4 weeks to shift significantly

  • Take the test to find out where you could stretch further and what you could achieve if you were closer to your best self.

  • Every day you will get information or a tool or an idea or a focus or a video or a live to help you push your courage in any one of the seven courage domains (health/wealth/career/finances/people/intimacy/conversations/social)

  • Access to a world-class video curriculum

  • Tasks to focus your attention and allow for a deeper relationship with your courage

  • 2 group coaching calls in small groups with Amy

  • A tribe around you, all previous sprinters find their way into Amy’s Courage Club network, a space to connect with others, learn and be inspired. Like Facebook but much much better!! This is where you will feel at home and push forward between where we are and where we could be

  • An app with access to all the video content and the tribe, to access whenever convenient.

  • Access to Amy and her content through regular posts of exclusive material for Courage Clubbers

  • Worksheets to hold you accountable to your best self

  • A copy of Amy’s book The Loudest Guest: How to change and control your relationship with fear

  • An injection of fun into your world!!!! This is a game of expansion! Learn to play, courage is a game, let’s play together….


Do not avoid this! It’s too easy to put this off, but I promise you, now is the right time. If not now, when are you going to invest in getting the most out of your life and learning new things about yourself?! You will not regret this - I PROMISE YOU!!!! The value you are going to get from this is enormous.


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About Amy

Amy is a psychologist, speaker, author and mentor. Her expertise is in helping people feel safe enough to do their best both individually and together in groups. We need courage to live successfully. Fear is not avoidable but we must not let it rule us. Amy is obsessed with finding ways people can feel safe enough to be courageous.

Amy has spent three decades as a psychologist developing IP on how fear and habit restrict our capability, communication and outcomes. Her clients use this expertise to ensure they or their colleagues build connection, flexibility, trust and courage at work.

Amy has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Masters in Forensic Psychiatry, Masters in Performance, Bachelor with Honours in Psychology and further therapeutic training in cognitive therapies such as Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy.

Amy is regularly called on by the media to commentate on all things courage, fear and living a bigger life! Find her latest media appearances here.

Amy’s awarded winning and best seller latest book The Loudest Guest is out now.