Make the links between your thinking, feeling and doing

I recently put the offer out to have one on one conversations about patterns with anyone who wanted. I have spent the last 3 weeks having (and could spend the next 3 weeks having more!) the most fascinating conversations with people who were so generously willing to talk and share time with me.

All participants arrived in our session with an understanding of a pattern they wished was different. Most were clear about either the behaviour, the thinking or the emotion attached to the pattern. Through discussion we were able to join more dots, connect more loops and fully articulate the pattern, how it related to a core belief.

The articulation of all the steps of our patterns is extremely powerful. By seeing all the links, we are able to see all the different ways in which we could intervene. Another opportunity arises when we articulate the pattern, we see not only the downside of the patterns, but also the upside. There is a reason we maintain the patterns even when they cause ourselves or others harm. Once we locate the function of this pattern, we have the possibility of finding another way to meet that need.

Linking and articulating the elements of the pattern is powerful. The impact of understanding ourselves is not just for us as individuals and our own lives or family, but for sustainable high performance at work. Without exception the people who came to the sessions were committed to understanding and developing themselves. Perhaps coincidently, perhaps not, about 80% of the people who made time to meet with me were senior leaders and/or in very value based roles. 

If you are interested in joining the next wave of people exploring the patterns and choices that create sustainable high performance, let me know...currently I have two options 

one on one coaching - 7 months of exploring the ways to deliberately create the thinking, emotions and behaviours of sustained high performance in complexity, leading the future with courage. 

a pattern party - I will be hosting an online pattern party on Saturday 16th December where I will take people through the questions I have designed to create clarity on your own patterns. It is live, but it will be solo working with no sharing of what comes up for you or your thoughts between attendees. Please register your interest in attending here. It is designed to provoke insight, and self-compassion and empower you to create the control and change you desire to set you up for a wonderful break and new year! 

How we could work together

  1. High Performance Teaming programs for your team

  2. Psychological safety for leaders in high risk industries

  3. Executive 1:1 program

  4. Keynotes

If you want programs that go ‘a little deeper'

Amy SilverComment